Create a Link for a Featured Package

Highlight a featured package, hide other tabs and packages.

What's a Featured Package

When sending a link to a package you have selected in default mode, the package is highlighted but other packages still surround it, potentially leading to confusion of not knowing where to look.

We have created the "featured" mode which hides and packages or tabs, and only displays the featured package.

How to Create a Featured Package Link

To create the featured package link:

  • Go to the front end
  • Select the package on the date you want to feature
  • In the URL, delete the word after the last hashtag
  • write the word featured

When this link is used, only the package selected will be shown.

How to Make Sure it Goes to TODAY's Date

In the URL, for example:¤tPackage=Test%20package%20test%202#featured

DELETE the &date portion.¤tPackage=Test%20package%20test%202#featured

Using this new link without the date in it will automatically have it use the current date when it loads.