Create custom reports based on dates, venues, and more
Reports show an overview of reservations for the parameter's you set. Here's how to do it.
Creating Reports
First, make your way over to the Report tab on the left side of your admin dashboard. From this page, you'll be able to make flexible reports.
The report you can pull is flexible, as you are able to set filters to create the exact report you want. The filters are listed below
Filter by Venue
You are able to select:
- All Venues
- Specific Venues
Filter by Date
You are able to select:
- Today
- This Month
- Last Month
- Year to Date
- All
- Custom
Custom Filters
You can create specific parameters as well. The categories you can choose from are:
- Reservation Date
- Reservation Created Date
- Guests
- Duration
- Start Time
With these custom filters, you can create hyper specific reports.
The Report
The report will be a Microsoft excel report including all the reservations within your parameters, as well as in depth information about each reservation, including:
- Reservation ID
- Reservation Number
- Date
- Time
- Duration
- People
- Lanes
- Price
- Discount
- Tax
- Service Fee
- Deposit
- Due
- Venue
- First Name
- Last Name
- Client Email
- Guest email
- Phone
- Occasion
- Guest Details
- Custom Fields
- When the reservation was created