How to Create a one-off Event

Halloween, Christmas, One Day Parties - How to Create one?

How to Create a One-Off Event

To create a one-off event in Rex, like a Halloween Party or New Years Eve event, start by creating a party package.

Fill out all the details for the party including a name, description and pricing method. Set the pricing method to Flat Rate Per Person. Click Save to create the package.

Below is a step by step.

Create the Package 

You will have to create this one off event for each of your venues, Begin by navigating to the venue you would like to apply this event to

Venues -> Specific Venue -> Packages -> Add Package

Fill out all the details including name, short description, long description, etc. If your event is purely based off of people buying tickets and entering the party, and it is not based off of any resources like lanes, your information will look similar to this:

  1. Pricing Method = Flat Rate Per Person
  2. Number of Lanes = 0
  3. Deposit Percentage = 100
  4. Set the min and max number of tickets you would like to allow one person to buy (ex 1-50)

  5. Set the duration (example: If the party starts at 7 and ends at 11 it would be 4 hours)

  6. How far in advance can users book = 2 weeks (or however far you wish)

Now that you have successfully created a package, the next step is to create a schedule for that package. Using the calendar picker set the start date and end date of your event. If it is a one day event your start and end date will be the same.

Create the Schedule

First, you'll have to make sure this package is running off of it's own schedule and not the venue's main schedule. To do this, on the right side of your screen change the parent schedule from "venue" to your event's schedule.

Now add a schedule for your package. Make sure the date of the package is set to just the day of the party (ex: 10/31/22-10/31/22)

Finally, add the rate and Guest count for the event. The guests count will set the number of tickets you wish to make available.

Once you are ready set the package to "Active".