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How to Switch "Classes" for one week

If you have a set class schedule, but want to swap classes one week, this is how you do so

What does this cover?

If you're a venue that has a set class schedule, but one week you want to swap 2 of your classes, how would you do that inside of REX without changing the entire schedule? We'll show you how below:

Swapping Classes

Essentially, what you are going to do is turn off one class for a week and turn on the other class for that week. And we do that by creating temporary schedules.

For this example, let's say we have Pizza class every Thursday, and Cheese class every Tuesday. This is the schedule every single week every single month.

But on week, you get asked to have Pizza class on Tuesday as well instead of Cheese class. How would we do that?

1. Toggle on Class 1 for that one day

We first need to go to the class we want to add for that day. In this case, we need to go to our pizza class. We want to add a temporary schedule that will be active only that specific Tuesday:
Once you have the dates set for that individual Tuesday for the new schedule, make sure the priority is HIGHER than the main schedule

Finally, toggle on the day the package should be available, turn on start time only, and set the time and price for that package

And this successfully has created your class for that week only. Now we need to hide the class that this is replacing

2. Hide the Class being replaced

Now, there are 2 classes being displayed on this day. Now we need to hide the other class that we are replacing. We are going to do nearly the same exact steps, but instead of turning on the day, we are going to keep it turned off.

Click into the package you want to hide, and add a new temporary schedule on the day that this package is going to be blocked, make sure the priority is higher than the main schedule:

Now all you do is click save. Do not toggle on the day of the week. Not toggling it on essentially disables the package for this day.

Now, you have successfully added one class for one week, and disabled the other for this week.