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  2. Manage Reservations

Using the Host App

The best way to manage your reservations

What is the Host App?

The Host App is an extremely convenient and easy way to manage your reservations. Within a calendar view, you can see how, when, and why resources you created are being used, and also create your own reservations or "blocks." If you need a run down on what the resource manager is, or how to set up your resources, click here. 


The layout is simplistic and easy to understand. When first entering the host app you'll see a calendar view of your resources, with convenient ways of managing reservations attached to these resources. At the very top left, you'll have your directory of actions within the Host App.

The calendar is the screen you begin seeing when first entering the Host App, and also where you will take most of your actions.

Reservations shows all reservations you have in a list form, rather than the calendar view. 

Guests shows a view of all the guests that made the reservations, along with their information. 

Support will take you to our support guides, like where you found this one.

Admin will take you back to the admin, where you can create packages and edit your reservations and pages.

Check In The check in tab is one of the best ways to see your reservations for the day, as well as managing check-ins.

Logout will of course log you out

The Calendar

The Calendar is where most of the heavy lifting is done in the host app. Immediately you'll see row's labeled with your resources you created, for whichever category resource you have selected. You can easily see which resources are being used, and when. Clicking the arrows in the top left of the calendar allows you to easily change which day you are looking at, or click the date to easily find a future or past date to view.

At the top right, you'll see you are also able to change the venue you are viewing, as well as which resource you are viewing. Finally, the create button is also within the top right of the calendar view, allowing you to create reservations or blocks.

Modify an Existing Reservation

To modify an existing reservation, first find the reservation you are looking for. Once found, click on the reservation and it will pull up a box with all of it's information. To modify, click the blue Modify button. 



You'll be able to change which venue the reservation is at, how many people are on the reservation, what time the reservation is, or what package they have. 

To modify the resources being used by this reservation, click the reservation and hover over assign resources. Move your mouse over the resource you want to be used, and modify the resources accordingly.



Cancel a Reservation

To cancel an existing reservation, first find the reservation you are looking for. Once found, click on the reservation and it will pull up a box with all of it's information. To cancel, click the blue Cancel button.



You'll be able to to choose if the guest is refunded, or not.

Create a Reservation

To create a reservation, click Create in the top right of the calendar view. Under the Package tab, edit the information accordingly. Select the correct venue, date, guest amount, and package, then click Next.



The next page will automatically tell you the times available for this package according to it's resources, select one of the times available. then click Next.

Input the guests information on the following page, then click Next.

From here you'll have multiple options of payment. You can manually enter the card number, record if it was paid with cash, record if a promo card or gift card is being used, or skip the payment.

Create Blocks

Block are great way of preventing reservations from being made at a certain time, on certain resources, on certain dates. To create a block, click Create in the top right of the calendar view. Click the Block tab. From here, name the block. For example, "bowling league."


create block

Under dates, you are able to click any and all dates associated with the block. For example, if league was every Tuesday, here you would be able to click every single Tuesday league takes up. 

Next choose the associated hours of the block. You can create multiple blocked time frames.

Finally, choose which resources are being blocked, for example, lanes 1-4 are unable to be reserved during league. 

Click Create Block

Modify or Delete a Block

To modify an existing block, click Create in the top right of the calendar view. Click the Block tab. Scroll down to view your existing blocks. Click the block you would like to modify. Scroll up to view the information associated with this block, and modify accordingly.


To delete the block, click the trash can on the right side of the block.
