What's New in New Design?

What are the changes that come with Rex's "New Design"?

New Design

New Design is our newest, modern look on the customer facing side - but it also comes with some new features. What to expect?


Switching to new design gives you access to the "sidebar" - a place to highlight anything you want highlighted. We've seen menus, memberships, special events, and shop links place here. Change the title, description, and add up to 3 links with a special place to showcase anything important.

FAQ Accordion

You'll be able to place your FAQ at the bottom of the customer reservation page.

In the languages tab and the FAQ Accordion module, you can easily easy the questions and answers you want displayed for your guests to easily find!

Updated Emails and New "Thank You Email"

You'll have access to customization options for your emails. You might have seen the fields in the language field before, but they are now applied.

In the languages tab and the emails module, the text you place in the "section titles" and "section paragraphs" will now be displayed in the updated modern emails.

You'll also unlock access to a third email, "Thank you email."

Add-On Modifiers

Take add-ons to another customization level. With modifiers you are able to add customization to your add-ons, such as the toppings on their pizza (and have it affect the price) or whether they'd like their coffee iced or hot. Get creative and add customizations to your add-ons!