Deep Dive into Resources and How They Work

What are resources, how to create them, and what they do

What are Resources?

Resources are things that are limited or could be overbooked that you want to track. Examples are laser tag vests, bowling lanes, ping pong tables, party rooms, or whatever you want to track.

Why Set Up Resources?

Creating physical representations of your lanes allows you manage your resources at another level. On default mode, you can stop people from being on 10 lanes at a time, but you can't see what lane they're assigned to, change what lane their on, and much more. Overbooking becomes impossible, and management of your resources becomes super easy.

How to Set Up Resources?

First you'll need to set up a resource category, such as "bowling lanes." To do this:

Resources -> Actions -> Create Resource Category

This is the box holding all the actual resources. Now you'll want to add each individual resource.

Go To The Resource Category -> Add Resource

When clicking add resource, this box will appear:

Resource Name is the name of the individual resource. Example: "Bowling Lane 1."

Abbreviation is what will be shown in the host app so you know which resource is which.

Priority is how high this resource shows on your resource list (higher the number, higher it appears)


Go through and add all your resources for this category.

How to Manage Resources?

The Host App is your one stop shop for managing your resources. Click the host app button on the options on the left side of your screen to get there.

We have an in depth article going over the host app which you can view here.